Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Greg Vellante READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The "Star Wars" films are often treasure troves for collectors when they arrive on Blu-ray and DVD. The first spin-off narrative of the "Star Wars" cinematic universe, last year's "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," is no exception.

The film was a fast-paced space western taking place between the timelines of episode 3 and 4, where a motley crew of rebels took on the evil empire. It was a refreshing narrative for these perilous times, it didn't rely (too much) on fan service, and director Gareth Edwards filled the film with some absolutely marvelous visuals. As such, it offered up a glint of promise as to what these "Star Wars" side stories can achieve.

Fans will indubitably add this film to their "Star Wars" collection along with episodes 1-7, and the bonus features included with the Blu-ray release make the purchase of this film all the worthier. Offering exclusive insights into the film's production, its fictional universe and the characters within it, the bonus material is chock-full of content for fans to enjoy.

"A Rogue Idea" discuss the inception of the film's idea, while a variety of featurettes ("Jyn: The Rebel," "Cassian: The Spy," "K-2SO: The Droid," "Baze & Chrrut: Guardians of the Whills" and "Bodhi & Saw: The Pilot & The Revolutionary") zero in on the film's unique collection of characters. "The Empire" digs into the new (and old) villains of the film.

"Visions of Hope: The Look of 'Rogue One'" is my favorite of the features, where the filmmakers discuss developing the film's bold look. "The Princess & The Governor" goes into the details of recreating a young Carrie Fisher for a last-minute Princess Leia cameo in the film, which stings with melancholy after the actress' recent death. The bonus features round out with "Epilogue: The Story Continues," which covers the film's premiere, and "Rogue Connections," which reveals Easter eggs and fun facts hidden throughout "Rogue One" that tie into the "Star Wars" universe.

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"
Blu-ray and Digital HD

by Greg Vellante

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