Tina Jensen of The Glamz Fame Holds 'Stronger Together' Benefit for ACLU


As millions across the nation wring their hands and ask, "What do we do now," Tina Jensen, formerly of The Glamz, answers the plea with�"Stronger Together: A Musical Celebration Of Unity" and benefit for the American Civil Liberties Union.�

"Like countless others, I moved to NYC to seek a freedom of expression I couldn't experience in small-town America. Many things have changed since then for the better, but in light of the recent election I'm afraid the U.S. could once again be heading down a dangerous path," said Jensen. "Having worked tirelessly for years performing across the country in support of LGBT rights and body positivity, I realized I could call on my cultural family of performers and that together we could raise awareness and support an organization that has been supporting people like us for almost 100 years."

With more than one million members, activists, and advocates, the ACLU serves as the nation's guardian of liberty -- working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend the individual rights and liberties promised by the Constitution and the laws of the United States. They have fought to guarantee full equality for LGBT people, establish new privacy protections in the digital age of widespread government surveillance, end mass incarceration, and preserve both voting and abortion rights. The goal of Stronger Together is to raise $1,000 in support of the ACLU's efforts.
Jensen, who recently appeared in an American Foundation for Suicide Prevention fundraiser for the first time since the birth of her son,�produces Stronger Together with fellow artists Alex Gonzalez, Julianna Rusakiewicz, and Justin Van Pelt. The show will feature Broadway singers, drag queens, trans activists, recording artists, allies, women, members of the LGBT community, and an array of multicultural performers.

The cast includes Mila Jam, Michael T, Jennifer Fouche,�Noland King, Sasha Renee, Kathryn McCreary, Christine De Frece, Vicky Modica, Kate Biernat, Charlie Stoop, Megan Allen, Emma Craig, Kalli Siringas, Priscilla Flowers, Chris Flowers, Kirsten Heibert and�Brittany Dorazio�from the Happy Harmony Movement, and more! Event photography is by JD Urban.

"Stronger Together: A Musical Celebration Of Unity" will take place�Thursday, December 15 at 7:30 p.m. at The West End, 955 West End Ave, NYC.�Tickets are by donation only ($20 suggested donation at door).�

To make a direct donation to the ACLU, please visit�www.aclu.org


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