OutPolitics: Santorum Pulls Out

Chris Sosa READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Over the Easter Holiday weekend, G.O.P. presidential wanted-to-be, Senator Rick Santorum, pulled out of any future campaigning for the presidential nomination. The final rusty nail in Santorum's campaign coffin were recent primary loses in middle-American states like Wisconsin. The next primary was to be held in Santorum's home state of Pennsylvania where his campaign was losing ground and there didn't appear to be any chance of a resurrection. Santorum lost reelection to the Senate in Pennsylvania in 2007 by double-digits. Another loss in Pennsylvania would have surely ended Santorum's political career (yeah!) and he would have to go back to doing what he was doing before, practicing law. Santorum was the darling of the Tea Party movement who must now throw their support behind one of the other candidates still running, (former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich or U.S. Representative Ron Paul). Or, the Tea Party may look for another candidate altogether and either carry their fight to the Republican National Convention later this summer or run a third-party candidate in November's general election. Santorum did not throw his support to front-runner Romney and said that he will continue to fight even though he will not be involved in any more primaries. Gingrich, who is currently in distant third place in the number of delegates for the nomination, has vowed to continue to campaign and participate in the primary election process. Fourth place, Ron Paul also continues to run though no one really knows why. Santorum ran a respectable campaign and won against Romney in several states despite Romney outspending Santorum as much as 10-to-1.Unless something catastrophic happens (like a sudden attack of common sense by the G.O.P.), Romney is expected to be the Republican's presidential candidate.

Palin Goes Over to the Dark Side

Former Alaska Governor and G.O.P. Presidential Candidate and Fox News talking dead-head, Sarah Palin went over to the dark side of the "lame street media" where she guest co-hosted NBC's "Today Show". In a ratings move, Palin was put head-to-head against her arch nemesis, Katie Couric who was guest co-hosting on ABC's "Good Morning America." Palin did a remarkably good job but this time she was asking the questions and not expected to answer any of those tricky, gotcha questions like "What newspapers to you read?" She even poked fun of herself and her vice presidential candidacy of 2008 by writing notes on her hand and taking over Today's Matt Lauer's dressing room. However, there were times when she seemed to have given attitude to the other Today hosts and the guests. When asked how she liked co-hosting on the Today show, Palin responded that she could see Fox News from the Today studios.

Hasn't He Learned to Cover His Hockey Stick?

Speaking of Sarah Palin, it is reported that Levi Johnston has gotten another girl pregnant. According to TMZ, the lucky lady this time is Sunny Oglesby, a 20-year-old school teacher from Wasilla, Alaska. The two have been dating for a year and she is three-months pregnant.

Johnston became the darling to the supermarket tabloids when it was learned that he was expecting a baby with Palin's daughter, Bristol, during Palin's 2008 campaign.

Now, If He Could Only Get a Brain

Many were surprised recently when it was learned that former Vice President Dick Cheney received a new heart at the age of 71. They were not surprised when they found out that Dick could get a heart transplant at such an advanced age, but that he had any heart to begin with. Dick had been on a heart transplant list for over 20 years.

Shades of Joseph McCarthy

South Florida Congressman Alan West (R) said he believes that 80 Democratic Congressman are card-carrying Communists. West spoke before an audience of 100 voters in Jensen Beach which had another 15 anti-West protesters outside who greeted the congressman upon his arrival. West refused to name any names of who these communists were and his office declined to comment on what West had to say.

by Chris Sosa

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